✨ Quick & Easy ✨

Building an online menu just got easier

Create, publish & share your online menu in just a few steps.


Create account

Use your e-mail or social media accounts to get started

    getamenoo hero image showing 3 phones


    Start building

    Add a logo or header image to give a personality to your online menu

      getamenoo hero image showing 3 phones


      Add items

      Item details can include a description, photo, price and more

        getamenoo hero image showing 3 phones


        Publish & Share

        Once done, share the menu with a link or download a QR code

          getamenoo hero image showing 3 phones

          One menu free forever

          Unlock your menoo


          Create your menu to use these features in your dashbaord


          Simple & Straight-forward

          Everything you get. And don't get.

          Smooth process

          Created by experienced designers, so using it is a breeze

          Transparent costs

          You'll always know how much you pay in your account

          Item images

          Show your customers what you're selling by adding images

          Allergens + spice-level

          For food menu, you can add allergens and spice levels


          No cookies

          We don't use cookies. We won't ask you to accept cookies


          Unwanted e-mails

          We won't send you newsletters or spam. No upselling either.


          No data selling

          We store your data on Supabase. We don't use it for anything else.


          No tracking + ads

          We don't use tools to track your usage, nor will you see any ads.
          ✨ Do It Yourself ✨

          Create your online ✨ menoo ✨

          Create, edit & add images to your online menu anytime. We're open to businesses of all sizes.

          getamenoo hero image showing 3 phones
          ✨ Do It For Me ✨

          Quickest option

          We can create your online menu, for you

          To have your paper menu transformed into an online menu, click 'Create my menu' & fill in our request form
